Krista Goncalves By Krista Goncalves   •   November 15, 2019
A More Holistic Social Media Marketing Strategy for Wellness Entrepreneurs

Health Pros… all too often I see you caring so deeply about the thoughts, feelings, and needs of others that your own go straight to the back-burner. 

(I know all about that too – I was once the type of practitioner who got fully immersed in my clients’ health journeys!)

That usually means that when you’re guiding others in bringing more introspection and self-care into your clients’ lives, it can be hard to practice what you preach and walk the talk, so to speak.

That being the case, I would like to offer up permission to all of you busy Health Coaches, Nutritionists, Fitness Trainers and action-taking Wellness Entrepreneurs… permission to put yourself first.

Also… permission to allow yourself the time and space to take a step back and re-evaluate what’s working, and what’s not.

Ultimately, you need to do what works best for YOU, your schedule, and your business – and not what works for someone else and their business. (or what the “gurus” told them – and you to do.)

For example… using socials to grow your business. You know you need to use them, but do they cause you stress? Leave you feeling overwhelmed and burnt-out maybe? Social Media Burnout, it’s a thing! 

You’re a Holistic Entrepreneur, So You Should Have a Holistic Social Media Marketing Strategy. It’s Only Natural.

In the lightening-fast-moving digital world, I also propose a less-hustling, more-thriving way to incorporate social media into your business. Because quite frankly, it’s nearly impossible to feel successful when you’re in a constant state of burnout! 

(Been there, tried to do that, didn’t work out too well *eye roll*)

So, here are several ways you can lessen the pressure to be on socials constantly, and in turn, bringing more ease, and a sense of lightness to your business.

When You Just Need a Break From Socials 

Taking a break from social media doesn’t mean you don’t care about your business! It means you know your limits, and you’re looking out for #1 = YOU!

Here are a few ways you can get your ‘digital detox’ on without feeling disconnected from your audience – and even strengthening that connection and building their trust while you’re at it!

Focus on your non-work/business and non-social media life more. 

It’s very easy to get wrapped up in all-things-business-building, including socials – especially when you’re just getting started as a wellness entrepreneur.

Trust me, I once had those feelings of “my audience is going to forget about me if I don’t post today!” too.

Plus, I certainly felt like I needed to be working 24/7 every time I started one of my four health-focused businesses. 

But, stepping back, reflecting on what was truly working (or wasn’t, as was usually the case) — and making time for family & friends (like ‘real’ socials!) has been vital for me. 

It has allowed me to be more focused and targeted on socials when I do need to be there. Because you do — need to be there for your business 😉

Find other ways to connect, engage and build trust with your audience that isn’t social media!

For example:

  • Creating engaging content on your own website, like blog articles
  • Guest posting on other websites/blogs with a similar audience
  • Podcasting
  • Webcasting
  • Doing more local talks, if that fits with your business model
  • Emails/newsletters

These are the exact things that I did to increase my visibility and boost my credibility as a women’s health & nutrition expert when I first started my nutritional counseling business – and none of them had anything to do with social media because it actually wasn’t as big a “thing” back then as it is now.

When You Need to Get Social for Your Business

It’s simply not possible to do away with socials – they’re here to stay and they’re an integral part of marketing your wellness business. They provide you with ample opportunities to show up for your audience, gain their trust, and build your credibility as an expert – because you are! 

However, there’s still that very-real burnout effect that you want to prevent and avoid. But, it is possible to get social in a healthier, more holistic way! 

Here are a few tweaks you can make when you are creating and scheduling out your social media content:

Set boundaries, especially around the time you spend on social media. 

For example, turning your notifications off, not checking socials or even using a digital device at least one hour before bed (hiya, melatonin!), and UNPLUGGING at least one full day per week.

How about using an app to limit your time on socials?

Focus on just ONE social media platform… for now. 

Want to know the easiest way to decide whether you should be active on a particular social media platform or not?

Be on the one that your target audience is hanging out on. For example, if they’re on Facebook, be there. If they’re on Pinterest, get to pinning!

For the Krista Goncalves Co. audience – it’s definitely Instagram: @KristaGoncalvesCo

For Healthinomics, I’ve noticed that it’s also Instagram — have you seen their sweet feed?! @Healthinomics

Pick a channel that you know your target audience is hanging out and engaged on, and create a plan that works around that ONE platform. 

Save time and stop recreating the content wheel.

Cut WAY down on creation time with batch creation, repurposing content and done-for-you social posts.


Group like with like = batch all of your similar tasks together. This means creating as much of your content ahead of time and in batches when inspiration hits. 

I give many more tips for getting in the Batch Content Creation zone HERE.


Coming up with fresh content all the time requires an immense amount of effort – from coming up with new ideas and researching the topics to actually creating the content and then promoting it. 

As they say, you need to spend 20% of your time creating content, but 80% promoting it. Truth.

Fortunately, good quality content can be repurposed into something new and different, giving you real bang for your time, energy & sanity back!

For example, how about taking a single blog post (on a topic that you know is of interest and value to your audience), and simply putting a different spin on it and/or switching up the format? 

Specific blog repurposing ideas:

  • Write a spin-off topic post or expand it into a post series.
  • Do a webinar on the blog topic.
  • Send out an email series offering 1 or 2 tips in each, again dripping out the content.
  • Give an article that’s more than 6 months old some fresh legs – perhaps use a few different images, add a video, or even a catchy new title. Just don’t change the link as you will have already pushed traffic to it and don’t want to lose that valuable link juice!

Then, when it comes to promoting that freshly repurposed content, you’ve already got a bank of promotional material that you have created for the original piece of content and you can do exactly the same thing by repurposing it too. 

Just a few little tweaks to your existing social content can go a long way.


If you do find yourself drowning in social content creation or simply can’t wrap your head around WHAT to post in the first place – why not consider ready-made social post templates? 

There are a few really good ones out there, and many, many not-so-good ones – so be choosy! 

However, when you do find the right ones that are high-quality and professionally designed and brandable (enabling you to make it your own) – this kind of product is going to save you a TON of time, not to mention the frustration of the “what on earth am I going to post?!”

However, an effective content strategy can’t be implemented without a well-planned editorial or content calendar. Just sayin’.

Schedule, schedule, schedule. 

Speaking of… do you have an editorial or content calendar? This is a must for anyone who publishes content themselves. Umm, which is you!

You can easily accomplish this by using a good ‘ol paper planner or a big calendar board. I love my giant wall whiteboard! 

Also, do you have a social media scheduler? Oh, you must! You’ll get WAY more organized, and cut down on social scheduling time with a post scheduler like SocialOmm. It’s designed specifically for health and wellness pros like you — win-win!

So, there you have it, a few more tangible tools you can put in your content marketer’s toolbox so you can take action in implementing a more holistic social media marketing strategy for your wellness business.

Yours in holistically healthy business,

Krista Goncalves

By Krista Goncalves

Krista is a former Holistic Nutritionist turned Holistic Brand Strategist & Copywriter who lives in Kelowna BC, Canada with her husband and two young kids.

When she’s not in content beast mode, she’s outdoors hiking, paddleboarding or doing bootcamp in the park or on a beach!

While Krista enjoyed her combined 10 years as a Fitness Trainer/Bootcamp company owner & Women’s Nutrition Expert, she’s now incredibly passionate about helping other Health & Wellness Entrepreneurs to create juicier personal brands with her business resources at Krista Goncalves Co.

Connect with Krista on socials @KristaGoncalvesCo or for a non-social media way to connect, feel free to drop her a line and share what holistic social media marketing strategy has been working for you.

What Is Healthinomics?

Struggling with social media marketing for your health or wellness business? It can be frustrating trying to build your social media presence and convert your followers into clients.

Healthinomics is an easy way to grow your social media following with eye-catching time-saving bundles of ready-made social media images, designed just for health and wellness business owners like you.

Simply download any bundle of social media images, add your logo to brand them as your own, and share the images across all your social media platforms!

Social Media Marketing Tips You Need to Know!

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