Essential Oil Questions Bundle
Asking questions on social media is a great way to start engagement with your followers. Post these questions about essential oils on your social media profiles to get the conversation started!

Medical Botany Bundle 2
Bistort, citron, jalap… let these incredible plants from Medical Botany (1831) inspire your social media followers.

Medical Botany Bundle 1
Common poppy, black mulberry, snakewort… let these incredible plants from Medical Botany (1831) inspire your social media followers.

Ayurveda Doshas Bundle
A bundle of vibrant, interesting visual images and infographics about Ayurveda Doshas for you to post social media. Educate your followers, stand out in people’s news feeds, and increase engagement!

Ayurveda Facts Bundle
Interesting visual facts about Ayurveda for you to post on your business’s social media pages. Perfect for Ayurvedic practitioners and instructors or anyone wanting to promote Ayurvedic Medicine.