Healthinomics By Healthinomics   •   June 25, 2018

We all want Facebook Advertising tips that work.facebook advertising tips

Not want, need.

A whopping 93% of social media marketers use Facebook ads for two good reasons.

First, every internet user is a regular or daily user on Facebook and second, organic reach is down 2% on average even for wellness businesses. 

Since last year, engagement levels for organic Facebook posts have dwindled by more than 20% which means we have to be smarter in how we start reaching our target audience and growing our following.

For many health and wellness businesses, this is a real struggle, but this is where Facebook ads come in.

If you want your social media followers to favor your ads instead of cute videos of fighting cats, these top 3 Facebook advertising tips will get you not just more clicks, but push your conversion rate to the edge like never before.

It’s about time Facebook becomes healthy and profitable for every health and wellness business and here are a few Facebook advertising tips that can certainly help.

Tip No. 1 – Interesting is Everything

Facebook Advertising Tips

There are so many elements on Facebook fighting for our attention. The last thing you want to do is blend in and be generic.

But how in the world can you stand out from hundreds of posts from friends, trending topics, and suggested sponsors?

That’s why first off in our Facebook advertising tips is how to make your ads interesting. Let’s break this down into something simpler for health and wellness businesses.

The top 3 elements in an ad are the image, description and the headline.

Now, what’s the first thing you notice on every Facebook post?

If you’re like 99% of the crowd you’ll get hooked on a compelling image first!

Both the description and the headline need to look consistent with the same font and colors. Whereas, images account for 90% of Facebook advertising effectivity/performance.

Hence if there’s one thing about your ad that you must get right, it’s the image. Yet many health and wellness businesses don’t invest on a high-quality visual – check out our free stock photo list of health and wellness images to get you started.

Is there a certain type of image that works for health and wellness?

Contrary to popular belief, there’s none. The best image is the one that evokes and syncs with the message of your ad and stands out from the pack.

Overall, if you want your ad to be interesting and click-worthy, here are some key steps to remember:

To give you an idea of what other health and wellness related businesses have created for the Facebooks ads, here are a few examples compliments of Adspresso:

facebook advertising tips

Tip No. 2 – Irresistible offer equals Impact

Facebook Advertising Tips

Ever thought of bribing people?

We certainly don’t mean this is a bad way, but a bribe could be just as simple as offering a freebie to download or watch a webinar that offers exceptional value. These types of freebies are excellent opt-ins and lead magnets and work extremely well for Facebook advertising and…. will get you more clicks.

Lead magnets such as freebies can also help you build your email list or entice people to make a booking with you or buy your products online.

In a way, these are ethical bribes to lure followers into your ad goals.

Lead magnets are like a sample of a service or product customers are getting from you, so it should reflect the quality of your health and wellness business. Some of the most common lead magnets on Facebook are free trials/services (one session or an extension of one) and free tools (coupons, ebooks, seminars) free course, info session and the list goes on.

Do remember that your aim is to attract clients you want to work with someday so create lead magnets that:

  • Get others to know more about you and your offers
  • Get others to trust you
  • Build their confidence and yours

With these in mind, choose the format that best speaks about your business and that would click with your target audience.

Here are a few of our example freebie opt-ins to give you an idea of what we mean (and you can download the sample bundles also 🙂 ) facebook advertising tips

  > Download Pilates Bundle         > Download Yoga Bundle         > Download Massage Bundle

Tip No. 3 –
Targeting is key to earning and saving money

Facebook Advertising Tips

There are over 2.13 billion monthly active users on Facebook. As the largest social network and the fourth largest ad network in the world, wellness businesses are bound to find ideal clients.

Lucky for us marketers, Facebook has one of the best ad targeting options among all ad platforms, if not the best.

Hence, nailing the impact of your Facebook ad is half the battle, the other half is targeting.

On top of many Facebook advertising tips is always targeting. If the right people are seeing your ads, they will convert.

Facebook gives us many options to target clients and some of the most popular are:

  • Interests (fitness, yoga, massage)
  • Location (based on your city, state or country)
  • Behaviors (someone who has visited your website)
  • Connections (people who like your page or are connected to those who do)

Facebook creates many possibilities for wellness businesses to target their ‘exact’ audience. Here are the best options.

  • Create a custom audience (based on your website traffic of your email subscribers)
  • Match your best clients using the lookalike audiences to multiply your prospects
  • Target using interests.

Let’s elaborate a little more on interests.

For example, if your health and wellness business aims to sell supplements, you don’t want to target users who love fast food chains.

Be super specific about your target like, a “holistic-minded 29-40 year-old mothers who are into whole foods, fitness and love animals” have a higher probability of clicking your vegetarian diet ad than random people who love beef jerky.

In summary, this is the part we hope we’d skip because it can be tedious and challenging. But, by taking time and consideration to target your audiences you’re not just increasing click-through rates but the overall success of your Facebook ad campaign.

For this of you who are complete beginners and need a little guidance then watch this video on how to set up a Facebook ad.

Critical Facebook Advertising Tips for Wellness Businesses

Every ad should pass the Facebook ad guidelines and that can be tricky for many health and wellness ads that need to prove results in a medically-oriented field. That’s because some businesses tend to go overboard in advertising and end up being fined for false claims. Consider these Facebook Ad policies that limit your claims on your ads such as:

Ads must not contain ‘before-and-after’ images or images that contain unexpected or unlikely results.

We can’t guarantee results, even with a legitimate before and after image. But you can try focusing on explaining the process using a carousel or video.

Ads must not contain content that asserts or implies personal attributes.

Most health and wellness businesses fail to pass this mark because they ask questions and add statements that imply a personal disability or medical condition (physical or mental).

Here are some samples of copy that could get your business in trouble according to Meg Brunson of Mindful Mavericks:

  • Is depression getting you down?
  • Are you embarrassed by your acne?
  • We’ve helped others with anxiety…
  • The Ketogenic diet can help you lose weight…

The alternative: be careful of “you” or “yours” and don’t use the word “other”. Instead, focus on your own offers:

  • We offer depression counseling…
  • We have products to help all skin types…
  • A new anxiety treatment is available…
  • Learn how the Ketogenic diet works…

Final Facebook Advertising Tips

facebook advertising tips

Facebook advertising isn’t a one-time attempt nor does it guarantee success in just a few tries.

But here’s a fact we all know to be true: the more you advertise on Facebook, the better you’ll get good at it. With skills, knowledge and experience come fewer mistakes and more profits.

In conclusion, Facebook can be challenging and take time to understand or master but if you can nail it or find an agency that can get Facebook ads working for you, then trust me, its worth it.

If you have any Facebook advertising tips that you use to help you get better results with your Facebook advertising then feel free to share them with the Healthinomics community. Otherwise, if you just have general Facebook questions then feel free to ask away 🙂

Stay apart of the social media conversation and join our Marketing for Health & Wellness Professionals Facebook group 🙂

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Social media is one of the best ways to market your business. If your business is not on social media, you’re missing out on so much potential. That’s…

By Healthinomics

Healthinomics is an easy way to grow your social media following with eye-catching time-saving bundles of ready-made social media images, designed just for health and wellness business owners.

Simply download any bundle of social media images, add your logo to brand them as your own, and share the images across all your social media platforms!

Healthinomics helps you market your business better and more professionally on social media with little effort and less time, so you can convert your followers into clients quickly and easily.

What Is Healthinomics?

Struggling with social media marketing for your health or wellness business? It can be frustrating trying to build your social media presence and convert your followers into clients.

Healthinomics is an easy way to grow your social media following with eye-catching time-saving bundles of ready-made social media images, designed just for health and wellness business owners like you.

Simply download any bundle of social media images, add your logo to brand them as your own, and share the images across all your social media platforms!

Social Media Marketing Tips You Need to Know!

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