Sports Massage Bundle | By Healthinomics

What if you could convince golfers you could add 10 yards to their swings?

Or make runners beat their best time by 5 minutes?

Don’t stop at sports though. You could talk to CrossFitters, Yogis, Zumba dancers, or just about any physically active person out there, how you can help them surpass their strength and endurance.

Imagine how many clients would energetically say Yes to Sports massage.

True enough, you know you’re not making empty promises.

But your promises will be rock solid on social media when you have this Sports Massage Bundle.

This bundle is filled with 20 of the most persuasive truths about Sports Massage to help you convince all levels of athletes and active bodies take their effort to the next level.

Now you can best help people train harder, manage pain, speed up recovery and be at the top of their game, in the most relaxing way they never thought possible.

With your savvy social media strategy, you’ll be part of any game plan.

Get Ahead of the Competition. An extraordinary edge of sports massage is that it can be tailored to the individual’s athletic activity, whichever helps improves performance.

Use that personalized approach on social media too. With this Sports Massage Bundle, you can get personal with every follower. As you share these beautiful nitty-gritty details about sports massage, the increased engagement can make you more confident to convince and convert.

Social Media Shouldn’t Hurt. As a skilled therapist, you know when to pull back from causing too much pain. You should know too when social media is becoming a pain in your schedule. So use this Sports Massage Bundle to sustain your strength and boost your performance. You don’t have to feel any pain to get more gains.

Simplify and Save Time – The best part is that you don’t even need to put the time into creating the content to post on social media yourself.

Download this bundle now, add your logo to brand them as your own and share them on your social media pages.

Inside The Bundle

The Sports Massage Bundle includes 20 beautiful images:

Sports Massage Bundle | By Healthinomics

Image Content

  1. Sports Massage is the application of specific and treatment oriented massage techniques to an athlete with the purpose of enhancing the athlete’s preparation for, or recovery from the physical demands of training or competition.
  2. Sports Massage originated in Greece and Rome and has a history of thousands of years. Galen (AD 30-200), a renowned Roman physician, prescribed massage for gladiators both before and after exercising.
  3. Sports Massage is geared toward athletes of every kind, from weekend joggers to world-class professionals.
  4. Athletes have discovered that Sports Massage Therapy promotes flexibility, reduces fatigue, improves endurance, helps prevent injuries and prepares their body and mind for optimal performance.
  5. Sports Massage Benefits
    • Improves circulation
    • Improves range of motion
    • Improves muscle flexibility
    • Shortens recovery time between workouts
    • Helps prevent and heal injuries
    • Helps prevent over-training
  6. Sports Massage is not only good for athletes, but also for people with injuries, chronic pain, or restricted range of motion.
  7. Sports Massage can be an effective part of pain relief and management. It promotes relaxation and provides long-lasting relief for athletes and the likes. It also alleviates the perception of pain and anxiety.
  8. Sports Massage helps athletes or an individual become more aware of their bodies and familiar with the pain they experience.
  9. Involving sports biomechanics in Sports Massage lets an individual study the human movement in sports, therefore resulting to a better performance. It also helps reduce the risk of injury.
  10. Sports Massage is more than a treatment for injuries, it produces overwhelming benefits for athletes physically, physiologically, and psychologically. It’s designed to prepare the athlete for their best performance.
  11. A Sports Massage often involves a fast-paced massage, stretching and other approaches, depending on the sport in which you participate. It can be tailored to be used as a pre-workout stretch and an opportunity to warm up the muscles or used as a post-workout massage, designed to reduce soreness and increase flexibility.
  12. Sports Massage is a generic term for three different types of massage associated with athletic performance.Pre-Event Sports Massage
    Stimulates the flow of blood and nutrients to the muscles, reduces muscle tension, loosens the muscles, and produces a feeling of psychological readiness.Post-Event Sports Massage
    Helps speed the athlete’s recovery time and alleviates pulls, strains, and soreness.

    Maintenance Sports Massage
    Increases the flow of blood and nutrients to the muscles, keeps the tissues loose so that different layers of muscle slide easily over each other, and helps reduce development of scar tissue.

  13. Sports Massage is safe and effective. When given correctly, there are no undesirable side effects.
  14. The goal of Sports Massage is to increase athletic performance. Conditions that respond well to massage include:
    • Muscle Pain & Stiffness
    • Muscle Strain
    • Edema (swelling)
    • Muscle Soreness
    • Muscle Sprains
    • Muscle Tension
    • Sore Spots
    • Repetitive Strain Injuries
    • Tendinitis
  15. A Sports Massage session lasts generally for about 30 to 60 minutes.
  16. Sports Massage is done with the principal mandate of returning you to your desired sports activity with the same or an even better level of function.
  17. Sports Massage will often use a variety of modalities such as Remedial Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Cross Fibre Techniques and Deep Tissue work.
  18. A Sports Massage can prevent or relieve delayed onset muscle soreness. It encourages the blood and lymph flow throughout the body, preventing muscle fatigue.
  19. A Sports Massage is known by many in the sports and training industry as an accepted component to an overall regimen of training and competition.
  20. Book a Sports Massage now.

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