The Power of Sharing Stress-Reduction Techniques: Emphasizing EFT. Stress is a common part of life. Everyone experiences it, and everyone has their own ways of dealing with it. But what if there was a simple technique that could help reduce stress quickly and effectively? This is where Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) come into play.
EFT, also known as tapping, is a psychological acupressure technique that’s used to improve emotional health. It works by balancing the energy system in the body, similar to acupuncture but without the needles. Instead, you tap on specific points on your body while thinking about your specific problem – whether it’s a traumatic event, an addiction, pain, or anxiety.
The idea behind EFT is that negative emotions can disrupt the body’s energy system. By tapping on these points while focusing on the negative emotion, you can restore balance to your energy system, which may relieve symptoms tied to that emotion.
Sharing EFT techniques on social media can have a profound impact on your followers’ lives. Here’s why:
- Spreading Awareness: Not everyone knows about EFT. By sharing this information, you’re helping to spread awareness about a potentially life-changing technique.
- Easy Access: Social media is accessible to almost everyone. By posting about EFT, you’re providing people with easy access to a tool that can help them manage their stress levels.
- Community Support: When you share something like EFT on social media, you create a space for discussion. People can share their experiences, ask questions, and support each other. This sense of community can be incredibly beneficial for those struggling with stress.
- Promoting Self-Care: By sharing EFT, you’re encouraging your followers to take care of their mental health. This promotes a culture of self-care, which is essential in today’s fast-paced world.
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- Reduce daily stress with EFT. Stress is the modern curse. All the emotional disturbances you experience are due to blocks in the flow of energy in your Energy Body.
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. Balance your Emotions. If there are blocks getting in the way of the free flow of energy, like boulders in a river, they will manifest in your mind and body as negative emotions and physical pain. Clear up disturbances in the energy field rapidly to balance your emotions.
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. Emotional Freedom Technique is Based on TFT. Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is based on the idea that thoughts are related to the energy field of the body. By changing the energy field, or by tapping on the Acupoints, you can release negative emotions quickly.
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. Benefits of Emotional Freedom Technique. Energy EFT Tapping is the ultimate self-help tool because it’s so easy to do and highly effective. Other benefits include: No religious connotations. It’s literally within your own hands! Know Thy Self-Increase. Your Emotional Intelligence. Discover your patterns.
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. What is the Subjective Units of Discomfort/ Distress/Disturbance (SUD) Scale? It’s used to measure the level of a person’s pain on a scale from -10 to 0. This was adopted in Energy Psychology circles to gauge where they were in the treatment process for neutralizing a negative emotion to zero.
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. What should you aim to achieve? All the emotional disturbances you experience are due to blocks in the flow of energy in your Energy Body.
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. The Energy EFT Heart & Soul Tapping Sequence. EFT uses major energy centers and special energy points or meridian points to stimulate and improve the flow of energy through the body.Step 1. Place both hands flat on the center of the chest or the Heart Centre and take three deep breaths in and out. Step 2. With the hands on heart position say the Set-up phrase “I want to release this stress,” three times with deep breaths in and out. Step 3. Touch or tap the following points while repeating the reminder phrase “Stress.”
1. Top Of The Head 2. Third Eye Point 3. Start of The Eyebrow 4. Corner of The Eye 5. Under The Eye 6. Under The Nose 7. Under The Mouth 8. Under The Collarbone 9. Thumb 10. Index Finger 11. Middle Finger 12. Ring Finger 13. Little Finger 14. Karate Chop Point. - Reduce daily stress with EFT. Breathing Magic. It’s important to breathe deeply throughout the EFT process because your breathing is closely related to the Energy Body. Breathing deeply helps get the life force energy moving in your system.
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. Stress Reduction -Energy Tapping Sequence. The Set-Up Phrase “I want to release this stress” The Reminder Phrase, “Stress” 0 = The Heart Centre. Take three deep breaths in and out while repeating, “I want to release this stress.” Now tap on the following points while repeating the reminder phrase, “Stress.” Remember to breathe in and out, deeply, at each point: 0 = And to finish the round of EFT, back to the Heart Healing Position where we take three deep breaths in and out while repeating, “I want to release this stress.” Subsequent Rounds: Take a new SUE Scale reading and then update your SetUp Phrase to something such as, “I release this remaining stress.”
1. Top Of The Head – “Stress” 2. Third Eye Point – “Stress” 3. Start Of The Eyebrow – “Stress” 4. Corner Of The Eye – “Stress” 5. Under The Eye – “Stress” 6. Under The Nose – “Stress” 7. Under The Mouth – “Stress” 8. Under The Collarbone – “Stress” 9. Thumb – “Stress” 10. Index Finger – “Stress” 11. Middle Finger – “Stress” 12. Ring Finger – “Stress” 13. Little Finger – “Stress” 14. Karate Chop Point – “Stress”. - Reduce daily stress with EFT. How to Release Stress – very quickly! Go through the tapping sequence. Then notice how you feel. Tap another round with a new SetUp Phrase such as, “I release this remaining stress.” Keep going. Remember a full round only takes a couple of minutes!
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. How to Release Stress – very quickly! Go through the tapping sequence. Then notice how you feel. Tap another round with a new SetUp Phrase such as, “I release this remaining stress.” Keep going. Remember a full round only takes a couple of minutes!
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. Energy Tapping Top Tip. Got a Smartphone? Get one of the Free Apps for a Stopwatch, Egg Timer, or Meditation Timer. Now set the count down for 10, 15 or 20 Minutes depending on your schedule. Start the Timer when you start your Energy Tapping session.
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. Choose your Set-up Phrase. What positive states do you want to feel? You now go through the Tapping Sequence with the new positive setup phrase. “I want to feel amazing!” “I want to feel energized!” “I want to feel loved” “I have a great sense of humor!” “I have a Heart of Gold!”
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. Make It A Habit! When you’ve de-stressed, you can think about what tasks you’ve got coming up. As you do so choose what resourceful states of mind you want to be in. You then tap them in… Enthusiasm, Creativity, Resourcefulness, Playfulness, Focus, Motivated, Passionate, Joyful…
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. Taking It Further. What states of mind could you achieve if you allowed yourself?! What would happen if you tapped: “I am a creative genius,” “I have a really bright, compelling future!” “Anything is possible.” “I feel incredibly empowered.” “Maybe you’re interested in exploring the spiritual dimensions of human experience? “ “I feel an incredible connection with Infinite Intelligence.” “I feel completely at one with the Universe.” “I am pure love.”
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. The +10 Mind-set. When starting your positive energizing tapping simply do a few rounds with this set-up, “I deserve to be really happy and healthy.” Remember we’re heading towards a +10 every time we do some tapping!
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. What do you do when you can’t move up the SUE Scale? It happens sometimes. It’s known as a ‘Psychological Reversal.’ There are several methods to overcome the ‘stuck state’ and head towards the 10+ mindset!
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. Psychological Reversal Tip. Hands-On Heart Position: Always come back to this position if you ever feel stuck. Re-state your intention or set-up phrase and just breathe deeply for a few moments.
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. Psychological Reversal Tip. Chose Another Word That’s More Emotive For You: For example try, “I’m going out of my frickin mind!” instead of ‘Stress.’
- Reduce daily stress with EFT. Psychological Reversal Tip. Hands-On Heart Position: Always come back to this position if you ever feel stuck. Re-state your intention or set-up phrase and just breathe deeply for a few moments.
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