To most people chakras equal major confusion.
But in life, random events aren’t always to blame for difficult situations and unhealthy emotions.
It’s that inner imbalance in every living being’s powerful center of energy called chakras.
Any blockage on the seven chakra points can lead to illnesses and personality problems.
These Chakras for Beginner’s Bundle will convince your social media follower’s that immense healing and restoration are possible when all chakras are perfectly balanced.
Through practical, concise and interesting approach, each of these 20 beautiful visual images can motivate your followers to harness the chakra system’s amazing power.
It’s a must-have in your social media toolbox as a healing practitioner. So unlock this bundle. Those obstacles to your social media progress, unblock them all.
Unlock the Flow of Engagement. Achieving the formula for engagement on social media isn’t easy. It requires, patience and practice. But the rewards—deeper connections, more followers, easy conversion—are well worth it.
So use this Chakras for Beginners Bundle to help people achieve balance in their emotional, physical and spiritual health. With a purpose-driven content, your posts will align with your goals for engagement.
Harness your Positive Energy. Avoid toxic energy that disrupts your chakra. With so much information and marketing traps around, finding your tools can be challenging on social media.
It’s a good thing you can trust this Chakras for Beginner’s Bundle to radiate your positive energy on social media. It’s filled with beauty, compassion and energy like you want it too.
Advance on Social Media. You don’t have to stress yourself how to explain Chakras to beginners. Just share these Chakras for Beginners bundle, they’ll open up their minds about chakras and what else you can teach them.
Impress and convert. Now, you’re no longer a beginner on social media.
Simplify and Save Time. The best part is that you don’t even need to put the time into creating the content to post on social media yourself.
Download this bundle now, add your logo to brand them as your own and share them on your social media pages.
Inside The Bundle
The Chakras For Beginners Bundle includes 20 beautiful images:
Image Content
- The word Chakra (चक्र) derives from the Sanskrit word meaning "wheel," as well as "circle" and "cycle". It's described by many as a spinning wheel of light.
- Chakras can be defined as the physical, mental and spiritual centers of activity and they form gates between levels of existence.
- There are 7 major Chakras starting at the base of our spine up to the crown of our heads: Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root.
- Each chakra is said to spin at a different frequency. When each Chakra spins at its perfect frequency the body radiates perfect health, emotions are balanced, and we enjoy a deep sense of peace.
- Healing crystals can help to clear and open our chakras and restore balance. Doing this on a regular basis helps to maintain optimal health and wellbeing.
- Chakras correspond to your body’s biggest nerve centers. The seven chakras don’t just contain your psychological, spiritual, and emotional being; they contain bundles of nerves and vital organs, too.
- The chakra colors follow the order of the color of the rainbow, from red to purple and white. These colors reflect the different frequencies of light and energy associated with each energy center.
- Chakras can easily become imbalanced. Through meditation, Reiki, yoga, healing art therapies and lifestyle changes, our chakras can be cleansed, unblocked and rebalanced.
- Food can directly affect how your chakras work and, likewise, the cravings you get and the meals you prefer to eat can also reflect the health of your chakra system.
- Awareness to which of your chakras are out of balance is key to aligning them. Bring awareness to your body and mind and start to learn its signals and clues.
- To visualize a chakra in the body, imagine a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness meet. This invisible energy, called Prana, is vital life force, which keeps us vibrant, healthy, and alive.
- Root Chakra Healing Affirmations
- I love being in my body.
- I am centered and grounded.
- I am at peace with the world I live in.
- I am able to let go of fear.
- Sacral Chakra Healing Affirmations
- I am alive, connected, and aware.
- I feel a sense of abundance
- I radiate life’s joy.
- I trust my intuition.
- Solar Plexus Healing Affirmations
- I am confident in all that I do.
- I stand up for myself.
- I respect myself at all times.
- I act with courage and strength.
- Heart Chakra Healing Affirmations
- I am kind to myself.
- I allow love to fill me up.
- I am able to let go of the past.
- I extend compassion to all beings.
- Throat Chakra Healing Affirmations
- I speak up for myself.
- I speak my inner truth.
- I express myself with confidence.
- I express my gratitude towards life.
- Third Eye Chakra Healing Affirmations
- I always follow my intuition.
- I am connected to the divine universe.
- I invite sacred transformation.
- It is safe for me to see the truth.
- Crown Chakra Healing Affirmations
- I go beyond my limiting beliefs.
- I accept myself totally.
- I am divinely guided and inspired.
- I am infinite and boundless.
- Every organ, gland and body system is connected to a chakra. For example, the heart chakra governs the thymus gland and is also in charge of functioning the heart, lungs, bronchial system, lymph glands, secondary circulatory system, immune system, and the arms and hands.
- I understand, I see, I speak, I love, I do, I feel, I am.
- The word Chakra (चक्र) derives from the Sanskrit word meaning "wheel," as well as "circle" and "cycle". It's described by many as a spinning wheel of light.
- Chakras can be defined as the physical, mental and spiritual centres of activity and they form gates between levels of existence.
- There are 7 major Chakras starting at the base of our spine up to the crown of our heads: Crown, Third Eye, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root.
- Each chakra is said to spin at a different frequency. When each Chakra spins at its perfect frequency the body radiates perfect health, emotions are balanced, and we enjoy a deep sense of peace.
- Healing crystals can help to clear and open our chakras and restore balance. Doing this on a regular basis helps to maintain optimal health and wellbeing.
- Chakras correspond to your body’s biggest nerve centres. The seven chakras don’t just contain your psychological, spiritual, and emotional being; they contain bundles of nerves and vital organs, too.
- The chakra colours follow the order of the colour of the rainbow, from red to purple and white. These colours reflect the different frequencies of light and energy associated with each energy centre.
- Chakras can easily become imbalanced. Through meditation, Reiki, yoga, healing art therapies and lifestyle changes, our chakras can be cleansed, unblocked and rebalanced.
- Food can directly affect how your chakras work and, likewise, the cravings you get and the meals you prefer to eat can also reflect the health of your chakra system.
- Awareness to which of your chakras are out of balance is key to aligning them. Bring awareness to your body and mind and start to learn its signals and clues.
- To visualise a chakra in the body, imagine a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness meet. This invisible energy, called Prana, is vital life force, which keeps us vibrant, healthy, and alive.
- Root Chakra Healing Affirmations
- I love being in my body.
- I am centred and grounded.
- I am at peace with the world I live in.
- I am able to let go of fear.
- Sacral Chakra Healing Affirmations
- I am alive, connected, and aware.
- I feel a sense of abundance
- I radiate life’s joy.
- I trust my intuition.
- Solar Plexus Healing Affirmations
- I am confident in all that I do.
- I stand up for myself.
- I respect myself at all times.
- I act with courage and strength.
- Heart Chakra Healing Affirmations
- I am kind to myself.
- I allow love to fill me up.
- I am able to let go of the past.
- I extend compassion to all beings.
- Throat Chakra Healing Affirmations
- I speak up for myself.
- I speak my inner truth.
- I express myself with confidence.
- I express my gratitude towards life.
- Third Eye Chakra Healing Affirmations
- I always follow my intuition.
- I am connected to the divine universe.
- I invite sacred transformation.
- It is safe for me to see the truth.
- Crown Chakra Healing Affirmations
- I go beyond my limiting beliefs.
- I accept myself totally.
- I am divinely guided and inspired.
- I am infinite and boundless.
- Every organ, gland and body system is connected to a chakra. For example, the heart chakra governs the thymus gland and is also in charge of functioning the heart, lungs, bronchial system, lymph glands, secondary circulatory system, immune system, and the arms and hands.
- I understand, I see, I speak, I love, I do, I feel, I am.
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